Tutorial Period

Tutorials were created out of students’ need to find the time to make up tests and to get help from their teachers.  It was also created to give students time to work on their schoolwork.  

Tutorial time is academic and educational 

Students must be engaged in an academic activity.  These can include homework, testing, silent reading, research, quiet reflection, etc.  Classroom discipline rules apply.  It is the teacher’s decision as to whether the tutorial climate should encourage collaborative work, which is often noisier than individual work.

Tranferring to another room:

  • Students will have Home Room where they will report to for attendance.  After they report in students may transfer to another teacher's room provided they have a Transfer Pass properly signed by that teacher.

  • Students may transfer to 2 rooms during a Tutorial period, once in the beginning and once at the mid-point of the period.

  • Students must request a Transfer Pass before the day of the Tutorial Period they wish to use it for.


Tutorial is a part of our instructional program and attendance is expected.  Campus security and administration will give after school detentions to students who do not have the correct pass and Saturday School will be the consequence for cutting tutorial as it would any other class period.

Tutorial Do’s for students

  • Quiet study time

  • Catch up on missing assignments

  • Review before tests

  • Complete homework

  • Confer with teacher or counselor about progress and grades

  • Make up tests or activities

  • Research for ongoing projects

  • Silent reading for class or personal enjoyment

Tutorial don’ts for students

  • Use electronic devices for non-academic purposes

  • Hang out/social time

  • Leave the tutorial you are in without a Transfer Pass

  • Be outside without a Transfer Pass or Bathroom Pass

"I LOVE TUTORIAL PERIOD!  I get so much work done I hardly have any homework and if I'm stuck on something I can meet with my teacher without having to go in at lunch.  WooHoo!"

- anonymous student

"Tutorial Period is super cool, I use it to organize my binders and make sure I've got all my assignment turned in."

- another anonymous student