Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

For Safety and Efficiency and
Amphitheater / Siltanen Park Procedures
For the safety of students and drivers and for efficiency in the school parking lot, please honor the following procedures for the drop off and pick up of students:
Pull as far forward as possible before loading or unloading.
Have children ready to exit the vehicle before entering the parking lot.
Once entering the parking lot, stay with the path of the arrows – do not back out of the parking lot or drive over the cement dividers.
Stay with the flow of traffic on the red curb and in the through lane.
Do not TEXT while driving.
Speed limit is 5 mph or less
Load and unload students at the curb only in the “cone” zone, or park in a designated space and walk your child through the lot. Students may NOT walk through the parking lot (to or from cars) without being accompanied by their parents.
Have students on the right side of the car, where possible, to make for an easy and quick exit in the drop-off line.
After loading or unloading move out into the through lane and proceed to the exit.
Do not block vehicles, cut in front of vehicles, or double-park to load or unload. Please drive slowly.
Cars may not be left unattended along the red curb. Park only in designated parking spaces if you need to leave your vehicle.
Kindergarten parents who want to walk their students to the classroom must park in a designated parking space or park down at Siltanen Park and walk up.
For 2:40 dismissal, please do not enter the parking lot until that time. It is important that parents be able to get to the curb to pick up students dismissed at 2:10.
Follow the directions of the volunteers and staff on duty.
Please remember – no dogs on campus before, during, or after school – this is a city ordinance.
For the safety of students being dropped off or picked up at the Siltanen / Amphitheater area please honor the following procedures:
There is no supervision at the amphitheater.
Pull into the west driveway entrance to the parking lot at Siltanen and park before unloading students.
Exit through the east side (closest to Vine Hill School) entrance.
Students may not be dropped off or picked up on the street or parking lot.
Students are to use the crosswalk when dropped off at Siltanen and proceed to the main campus.
After school pick up will be at the parking lot only for Kinder - 3rd Grade students.
4th and 5th Grade students may walk to the amphitheater for pick-up.
Park at Siltanen and walk on the sidewalk to meet your child at the parking lot.
Thank you for your patience in the parking lot and for your cooperation with these procedures!

Quick Links
Students walking to school should use sidewalks and cross only at one of the two designated crosswalks: corner of Scotts Valley Drive and Vine Hill School Road; or Siltanen Park.
At the end of the school day students are expected to go home immediately. No supervision is provided on the school playground after school. Students not picked up by 2:55pm will go to the office and parents will be contacted.
If you need to pick up your child before school is dismissed, please come to the office and sign out your child. Your child will be called to meet you at the office.
For safety reasons, there is only one designated and supervised area for student pick up: The school parking lot.