This is a new routine for First Graders as the school day is now six hours long! It is very important that your child comes to school each day with a hearty, healthy snack and lunch. Foods high in sugar are not recommended as the children burn this energy too quickly. In addition, please make sure your child knows what food to eat for snack in order to prevent your child from eating all of his/her lunch at snack time. It’s also good to note on Wednesdays our school block following snack time is much longer and the children tend to get very hungry if they didn’t eat enough healthy food at snack recess.
If your child is having hot lunch, please remind him/her that morning that they will need to order hot lunch. Students will still need to bring a snack from home on days that they order hot lunch, or they will need to purchase school snack as well.
If you can, please send your child to school with a water bottle for them to keep in class and refill. Staying well hydrated is very important for brain function!