Where do I start?

Maria Peeking in to say Hi


There are so many things to remember when starting school for the first time... Here are a few highlights from parents who have done it before:

1.  Arrive to school on time.  Leave earlier than you think you need to leave...There is nothing worse than rushing in the morning.  No one wants your little one to be a grumpy little bear.

2.  Make sure to read the communication from the SCHOOL and TEACHER.  Both are important and both will answer questions you may have.

3.  Make sure to pack your child a snack and lunch (Kinder - 5th grades).   Bring LOTS of water!

4.  Email is the best way to reach your child's teacher and the fastest.  All the emails are listed under the staff directory.

5.  SIGN into the OFFICE - every time!  It is so important to know EVERYONE who is on campus.  

6.  Follow the rules when picking up and dropping off your child.  They are watching and so is everyone else. Don't cut anyone off in the drop-off line.  Be courteous to the "Parents on Patrol: and be patient. We all have bad mornings sometimes.  BUT don't be the parent reading to their child, brushing their child's hair, or feeding them breakfast... if you have to do that - Park...

7.  Attend a PTA meeting.  They aren't that bad and you LEARN so much.  Even if you don't want to volunteer for a committee or chair an event you can still check out the meeting and find out what it is all about.  

8.  Attend the biggest fundraiser of the year!  The Vine Hill School Auction is off the charts!  We raise so much money for our children and school and have a great time too.  

9.  Complete the volunteer packet.  I know I know you have to get fingerprinted and sign a bunch of stuff and complete the online training course... but it is REALLY worth it and important.  Our teachers need us and we need them. You only have to be fingerprinted one time. Every year you will need to complete the returning packet - but that is really easy.  Ask Maria in the office if you have questions!

10.  Don't send your child to school sick!  Please don't... they will come to the office and want to go home.  They are little... Remember, if they have a fever it is 24 hours (without medicine) fever-free before they should return to school.  If your child vomits... it's 24 hours (without medicine) vomit-free before they should return to school. They will be sent home if you send them.

11.  In 4th and 5th grade the teachers want you to put in a homework request... when notifying the office of an absence make sure to request the homework.  It will be ready after 3 pm. If you have a TK -3rd... talk to the teacher (via email).

12.  Make sure to keep your emergency information current.  Nothing is worse than trying to find a number that works when your little one is waiting for us to find you.  They are counting on us and we are counting on you.

13.  Drive on a field trip... it's fun and the teachers REALLY appreciate it!  (you must be cleared to volunteer and have the appropriate driving forms on file).

14.  The school website has every activity at Vine Hill School.  The calendar is connected to the master calendar and shows events in real time.  When in doubt check the website!

15.  DO NOT park in the reserved parking.  There is no excuse that is valid. Those spots are reserved.  This includes the handicap spot. Be respectful and remember to be kind.  

16.  When picking up your child from school follow the rules.  Don't tell your child you will meet them at the tables on the upper playground or at the life lab parking lot... It is really confusing for your children when they are sent to the blue benches... they are scared you won't find them... it creates a lot of unnecessary nervousness and calls to you from the office.  TK - 3rd, pick up is at the blue benches in the parking lot. 4th and 5th are allowed to walk to the amphitheater. If you have a child who is in Kinder - 3rd and one in the 4th and 5th grade make sure your Kinder - 3rd grader knows to wait at the benches until their sibling gets out and make sure your oldest child picks them up at the benches and walks to the amphitheater.   It is a safety thing...

17.  Remember if you need anything the Vine Hill Staff is here to help.  If you don't know where to start... start with the office. They will be able to guide you in the right direction.

18.  Set up your ParentVue account.  If you don't know how to ask the office.  They will be happy to help! You will need it created to receive emergency announcements, report cards, and classroom placement.

19.  Your child's library number is your child's lunch number.  Use the online tools to monitor your child's lunch account.  Did you know you can "block" items!  for more information.  

20.  There are ADULT bathrooms in the office.  

21. Before your child starts school they should be toilet trained. Please see our toilet guidelines if you have any questions.