School Supplies
1-1 ½ inch binder
Five tab dividers
Folder (hole punched) to put homework in a binder
Pencil pouch for binder (no boxes please)
Glue Sticks (3)
3 Composition Books, wide ruled, 7 ½”x9 ¾”
1 quadrille (graph paper) Composition Book, 7 ½”x9 ¾”
Red and black ballpoint pens
Pencils (non-mechanical only)
Colored fine-line markers or colored pencils
Whiteboard markers
Standard size POST IT notes
Water bottle
Clorox Wipes
We have the following items in class, but it is nice to have your own (please make sure all personal items are labeled):
Headphones (no Bluetooth)
Computer Mouse
On the first day of school, we will be handing out homework planners. Please consider a $5 donation to cover the cost. Every student will receive a planner, regardless!
Thank you ~ The 5th Grade Team